Countryside in Shropshire

When cracking in a building gives cause for concern

When cracking in a building gives cause for concern

Forge was recently approached by someone seeking to purchase a property to rent out. They had spotted extensive cracks on the gable of the outrigger, with further cracks where the outrigger adjoined the rear of the main property.

When our senior building surveyor Dave Bates visited the property to carry out an inspection, he thought that the cracks were large enough to be of concern. He noted a soil vent pipe in close proximity to the corner of the outrigger. The direction of the cracking led him to believe that there might have been a problem with the drainage. He advised the client to have a CCTV survey of the drainage carried out and the results of this confirmed his suspicion of a drainage issue.

Cracking can be a sign of subsidence

The CCTV survey revealed that the drainage had actually collapsed where the soil vent pipe entered the inspection chamber that was buried under paving slabs. This in turn had caused subsidence to the foundations on the corner of the outrigger.

Dave presented the client with some estimated costs for the repairs needed and a report on the issues to help them reach a decision as to whether to proceed with the purchase and, if they decided to make an offer, what figure to decide upon.

Buying a property? We provide RICS Home Surveys for buyers and sellers to assess the value and condition of a property. Speak to our team for how we can assist you with home valuations.

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