Row of cows at farm in Shropshire

Best in show. Why exhibiting works for everyone.

27/08/19Best in show. Why exhibiting works for everyone.

Whether you’re an exhibitor or simply an attendee, trade and industry-specific shows are great for everyone. For exhibitors they are an excellent way to meet new clients and make new connections with people who require your services. Your stand and your expertise provide an ideal chance to gain new business, whilst also seeing familiar people that you may have worked with in the past. Even as an exhibitor, it’s also useful to look at the other exhibitors at the event, whether relevant to your sector or not, to see how they present themselves and to see how your ‘competitors’ shape up. For attendees, trade and sector-specific events present a good way of seeing an array of companies providing the sort of services you require, and to compare and contrast their offering in a like-for-like, value for money appraisal.

There are many different types of shows available for our sector, from those relating to the construction and building industry, to ones that are more geared towards agriculture. This is because of the nature of our industry and our business’ location. We have to keep up with developments in the building industry – for example, the latest changes in construction methods or amendments to building legislation. Aspects such as what’s permissible with regards to property alterations and what the current thinking is on rural development are just some of the aspects of the modern construction industry we need to keep an eye on. It’s useful to meet and talk to other industry specialists too, to hear their take on the current property climate and where they think it’s heading in the future.

Equally we need to be visible in the farming and agricultural sector, as our base of operations is the rural landscape of Shropshire and Staffordshire, areas dotted with market towns, villages and farms of all descriptions. We have established strong links with our rural communities both in our local area and beyond its borders, across the UK. This is why we attend country shows and other agricultural events, to maintain a strong and visible presence. You never know who you might encounter and what you might learn – there’s always something that makes it worthwhile.

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